The day started off quite well even with a threat of a big snow storm. I was actually getting geared up for it and was hoping to have a couple feet dumped on us today. It is into the 2nd week of December and we've barely had enough snow to cover the ground until today. Very unusual for the area where I live.
I got into work and was promptly greeted with an almost empty box of unsharpened pencils. Why does this matter? Well, where I work is a little slow on keeping up with the technology end of things. So why quite a few (generally larger) institutions have an electronic system in place for evaluations, we still do things the old fashioned way with paper and pencil. I had complaints about there not being any sharpened pencils; so I spent part of my morning sharpening pencils because the people who use them don't want to do it themselves. Ok fine. So in the midst of this task I had someone say to me "a college degree at work" and "let them sharpen their own damn pencils." The last part made me smile...the first part made me cringe.
4 years at a school to get a degree in a field where I can't even get my foot in the door (I've long stopped trying really) and here I am sharpening pencils.
I guess it's not the worst of fates. At least I have a job.
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