Friday, April 10, 2009


Oh my have I been slacking...


It's hard to have much of a life when I'm working 30 hours a week at one job and 14 hours at another.

I'm definitely overtired and stressed out.

I have had very little interest in the past couple weeks in trying to bolster peoples confidence about finding jobs and being successful. My attitude is "do it yourself." *sigh* just kidding.

Today has been fairly nice though. Since it's Good Friday a few professors didn't come in, some classes weren't held, and students went home. It's been pretty quite for the last couple of hours.

I really haven't had time or energy to come up with anything helpful. Researching things has been lost in a pile of papers, telephone calls, e-mails, etc.

So while I am feeling a lack of creativity and interest, I hope everyone else is doing well and staying positive.

With graduation coming around the corner it will only get scarier from here. bwahaha. *ahem*

Happy Easter everyone

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