Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Higher Paying Jobs

Thank you Yahoo for narrowing the job market for all of those looking to get payed a ton of money per hour.

Yahoo posted today a list of high paying jobs for all of those aspiring to make $40 or more per hour during a work day.

Yahoo was careful to pick one job out of a few different possible fields so that everyone might be able to find something.

Albeit most of these jobs will require an expensive education or lots of experience (i.e. Art Director) it is hopeful to see that there are higher paying jobs out there that are still open at this point.

One of the flourishing fields is medical care. Unsurprising really. Us humans will always need medical attention. Whether it's just a cold that won't go away, to continuing to do that silly thing called having children, to car accidents etc.

So if you can stomach the idea of stiching up someones wounds, poking around in someones intestines during surgery, giving shots, and examining snotty nose kids who will more than likely sneeze in your face, the medical field might be a good thing to look into.

You can read the Original Post here.

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