Friday, April 10, 2009


Oh my have I been slacking...


It's hard to have much of a life when I'm working 30 hours a week at one job and 14 hours at another.

I'm definitely overtired and stressed out.

I have had very little interest in the past couple weeks in trying to bolster peoples confidence about finding jobs and being successful. My attitude is "do it yourself." *sigh* just kidding.

Today has been fairly nice though. Since it's Good Friday a few professors didn't come in, some classes weren't held, and students went home. It's been pretty quite for the last couple of hours.

I really haven't had time or energy to come up with anything helpful. Researching things has been lost in a pile of papers, telephone calls, e-mails, etc.

So while I am feeling a lack of creativity and interest, I hope everyone else is doing well and staying positive.

With graduation coming around the corner it will only get scarier from here. bwahaha. *ahem*

Happy Easter everyone

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dangers of a Sit Down Job

It has taken me the longest time to get used to sitting around for most of the day doing computer work and not running around and standing most of the day as I have for the past 9.5 years.

Danger 1: Inactivity

Danger 2: Candy.

I have gotten to be so bad. I bought Easter candy on Monday to put on my desk for everyone else. It all disappeared before I came in this morning. With a bit of my help. But I also have my own stash in my drawer. I'm trying to be good, or else I'll end up gaining weight again like I did the semester I just sat around and wrote papers for a good portion of the day and ate Hobnobs. Oooooh Hobnobs!

So those are the two dangers.

Beyond that. It is a beautiful day out and I'm having a hard time doing work. I managed to open an ancient window in one of the offices off of mine. It took some muscle.

But back to work for me. :) Ciao